Thursday, January 7, 2010

Short Story: The Closet

Short Story: The Closet

Chapter one: Hidden

there i sat. alone in the neverending, dark closet. no windows, no doors, now wat to get out, "here," i thought, "here is wherei will forever remain." thi si the one place i am hidden from the abuse, and the descrimination of those who don't understand me. my rights and freedoms have been taking away from me. but i am the only one who knows it, because i hide. My name is Dylan Christopher Morriss, I'm 16 years old, and I am gay.

Chapter 2: For all the boys i've loved before

i first admitten what some people may call a, "Sexuality problem," to myself in middle school. In 6th grade, while most guys my age were starting to like girls, i didnt. at one point the other boys i hung out with all had a "middle school sweetheart." i didnt.i didnt want one. and i didnt mind not haveing one, i loved the sports i played and the things i did. but apart from that something was missing, and i couldnt put my finger on it. i first realized i was gay when my best friend Alex, got his first girlfriend. he started ditching me to hang out with her, i became mad and jealous. not jelous of alex, jealous of his girlfriend, because she got to be with him all the time, while i wasnt. and thats when i realized it, i was crushing on my best friend, my best friend, whom was a boy. i had feelings for him, real feelings, that i couldnt control, and they wouldnt go away. i was only 12 years old, noe even a teenager yet, but when i realized it, everything became clear, why i didnt find girls "hot," why i didnt understand what was so special about females boobs, or butt size. i never went through an awkward donfuzed faze, i knew i was gay and i knew i had to hide it. because my friends were againsed gays, always making jokes about them, and i didnt want them to think about me that way, to think im a freak, and not wanting to be around me. and that, having to hide from my friends, not getting to be myself around them, was the hardest part of my outcomming.

Chapter 3: Big Fake

all of middle school, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, i faked being straight. i often told my friends things like, "check out that hottie," or "look at the rack on that girl," i had adapted to my friends version of a beautiful girl, their version of beautiful was fake. big boobs, big ass, lots of makeup. the girls they liked seemed to be fake.. like i was, i was faking my sexuality, they were faking their loooks, hiding behind their dark eyeliner and mascara, but by faking who i was, i realized who the really, truely beautiful girls were. they were the ones my friends ignored, the ones who didn't hide, the girls with no, or light, natural makeup, the ones who didnt show off body parts. they were even sweeter and more caring then the ones my friends found attractive, they weren't constantly demanding attention, and even i, a secret gay guy, could see this, while my friends, my straight friends, couldnt, i guess they were too busy being, and trying to impress girls they like too much to noice their flaws and the perfection of the natural looking ones. i promised myself that if i was ever straight i would date theses girls, but for now, i was too busy trying to hide the real me.

Chapter 4: the key to a girls heart

faking who i was was hard, and trying to be around my best friend was even harder. i had feelings for alex and i know i did. and it was hajrd to hide them when i was around him, and it hurt knowing we could never be together, that he would never feel this way about me. so i stope\ped hanging out with him. at the beggining of my eight grade year, and the age of 14 i quit football and basketball and started haning out with some of the girls at my school. the plain, natural beautiful ones. and i began to understand why guy guys have a reputation of having girls as best friends. girls, specifically sweet, natural ones, not unatural whores, are more understanding. they dont judge people for who they are, what the look like, or how they live life. they are accepting and non-judgemental. and because of these traits i loved haning out with them. i had two new best friends, rebbecca and veronica. they were the funnest people to hang out with. and soon after i started hanging out with them i was able to let a little bit more of myself shine, the real me, not the fake one. i stopped dating girls to hide myself, and i stopped saying bad things about people. my old friends had thought of me as a "ladies man" because i always hung out with girls, and girls always hung around me, but the reason for that was because i treated them like human beings, not like peices of meat, like the straight guys did, and ALL the straight guys treated the girls like that. its seeemed in me becoming gay, i found the secret to a girls heart, treat them like a human being, and i couldnt even use it, and i didnt even want to use it. ironic right?

Chapter 5: My Law

rebecca and veronica stayed with me all through eighth grade. every day i slid a little more and more out from under the closet doory. they helped me be myself, they never jueged me ore made fun of me for who i was. they showed me not to care what others think, because in the end all that matters is what you think of yourself. and thats the law i have learned to live by.

Chapter 6: Seeing the light of the outside

i opened the door, all the way this time, i didnt just slip through the cracks, but i let my self out, my whole self out. i saw the bright light of freeedom, and it felt amazing! it was me, for the first time iw as sure of everything i was doing. first, i told rebecca and veronica, they said they knew before i told the, because, and i quote, i was "Always, always, always, checkout out guys." which, was true. then i told my mother, she was accually releaved that i wasnt straight because, "straight men are ass holes and take advantage of women." which i had also recently found out was true. i waited a little longer to tell my dad. he wouldnt be too happy about this news. after all, i am his only son, (i know that sounds totally cliche) and when i didd it was as if hell had risen from the underworld and ended up in my living room. there was yelling and screaming and crying for what seemed like hours on end.and i just sat tthere, on the dark blue sofa in my parents living room listeing to my father yell at me. yell at me like he knew how it felt to be gay. like he understood where i was comming from. like he knew how it felt to be attracted to men, and not women, and not being able to control my feelings, thinking i could control these feelings. after an excruciating couple of hours i looked up at him, right in the eye, and yelled back at him. i told him not to jude me the way he already was, and i told him he cant tell me im confused or crazy, because he didnt know how i felt. and i felt great! my mom on my side the whole time, yelled at him as well, and i think he finally got the message, or atleast.. he pretended he did.

Chapter 7: My name is...........and i am gay

i am now 16 years old, in my sophmore year of high school. i have been in a relationship with my boyfriend, Brad, for the past three months. i love him, and he loves me. and no matter what kind of discrimination and abuse we take or go throught, no matter what laws and propositions are made, i can now say that i am proudly out of the dark closet, and have came into the great, bright light called life. i now know, thanks to my friends and family, all that matters is what i think of myself. My name is Dylan Christopher morriss. and i am gay.

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