Saturday, January 2, 2010

Unfinished Story: My Life Ended in High School [unedited]

Unfinished Story: My Life Ended in High School [unedited]

Chapter one: The End

Its Febuary 21st.
Tonight is the night that i would end all nights. The night i would drown myself in my own tears, watch the blood trickle from my wrists, and watch the depressing darkness wash over my body for the last time. Tonight was the one year anniversary of my greatest fear, and my worst nightmare.
Exactly one year ago it happened. My body, and my sanity, had been stolen from me, and all that was left was my tears. It was the night i, Virginia Megan Hansallen, had been stolen from my body. And i was finally ready to let my body dig its own grave into the deep pits of emptiness that my soul had been thrown into exactly one year ago.

Chapter two: Fresh-meat

it all started my first day of my freshman year of high school. that morning i was dressed to impress. my wardrobe for the first week of school had been picked out nearly a month in advance. This morning, my first morning of high school, i was determinded to make all heards turn to see me. i was sick of being the nobody that wore plain clothes and got good grades. i was done being unnoticed, but today all that would change. it was a hot summer morning, i had been up since four o-clock this morning, taking my time to get ready so i would look perfect. i wore a pair of light green three inch heels, with a matching toob top in the same shade, the color made my green eyes pop out. i wore my long light brown hair in loose curls, i had gotten light blonde hihlights the week before, because the normal color of my hair had made my skin look too pale. i had practically drowned my eyes in dark black eyeliner and mascara. and the lip glossi wore had turned my thin lips plump and beauriful. to top everything off, i wore a grey strapless water bra, a black rhinstoned thong (nobody would see but it made me feel more confident) and light blue daisy duke shorts with hooker hoop earings. when i was done getting readyi looked at myself in the mirrror i had in my bedroom. i looked hot! ilooked like every mans fantasy girl. i looked like a whore. and i loved every minuet of it.
i grabbed my liht pink leather purse and hopped down the stairs, skipping breakfast so i could look thinner, i grabbed a water botle and started heading for the door, i was almost out when i heardy my mom gast behind me
"you look stunning," she said
"umm, thanks mom," i replied, "i have to go to school now i'll see you soon."
"goodbye sweetheard," she yelled as i raced out my front door and headed to my bus stop.
one good thing about my mom was she didnt care about how i looked or my grades or anything really, she had let me be independent almost my whole life. and most of that was because whenever i was home she was either "working" or sleeping. see, my mom dropped out of high school her junior year, she had never gotten good grades, and she was sick of trying so hard for nothing. shortly after dropping out of school she found what she called her "lifes calling." she started prostituting her body and sex on the streets, she was only 17 when she started this career, thatsho i had come to be. i had never met my father, my mother said he was one of her usual customers, and that he was in his late 40's when i had been born. when people asked me what my mother did for a living i always said she owned an online store and sold cosmetics products. i was never prowd of my moms career, but ihve to admit, it did put food on the table, but it was something i would never do. after living a childhood with a hooker i had made a promise to myself, and to god, that i would stay a virgin until marrige, and ha the purity ring on my right ring finger to remind me of that promise.
the buss pulled up and slowely came to a stop, no one else shared the bus sop with me, i was alone, i was disapointed to see only four other people on the bus, all girls. i took a seat iin the back, so i could tell if anyone was looking back at me, maybe that would my self esteem a litttle more. people slowely started filling up the bus, still i sat alone, i saw a few people glance back at me, but it still wasnt the attention i was hopeing for.
i began thinking maybe i didnt look as good as i thought i did, i while iw as thinking this to myself it startled me when i heard a deep voice speak to me.
"can i sit here," it said. i looked up to see a tall man with short blonde hair staring back at me, and my god he was cute, my throut closed up and i couldnt seem to open my mouth
"can i sit here?" he asked again, he was smiling, his smile was beautiful, still too stunned to talk i shook my head up and down in a very fast, violent motion, i scooted over to the window, putting my purse in my lap and i quickley turned away and looked out the window. after what seemed like an eternity e said,
"i'm kyle, are you new here?" i turned my head to look at him, i wasnt expecting him to accually make, or try to make, conversation with me
dumbfoundly, i replied, "uh, yeah, i'm a freshman."
"really?!" he said "you look alot older, like you could be in my grade."
"what grade are you in?" i asked
"11th, im a junior."
and at that the bus finally pulled up to the school, "that has to be the msot awkward conversation i have haver had," i thought to myself as we started to said up to leave he said "i'll see you around umm... i'm sorry i didnt catch your name."
"its virginia," i said with a weak smile
"Well virginia, i'll see you around.
"see ya," i said while i hurried off to my first class

my schedual was as followed
1st period: geometry
2nd period: english
3rd period:spanish
4th period:art
5th period:chemistry
6th period:lunch
7th period:pe
8th period: geography

i was glad pe and geography were at the end of the day, because they were my least favorite classes, not to mention the hardest for me, but i was confident that i would do well in all of my other classes.
the first day was always the easiest day of the year. in every class the teacher explained what we would be learning, rules to the class, etc, etc. the day went by fast, but it seemed even with my new look, and even though i got a little more recognition then usual, i was still the quiet smart irl. you would think that i would atleast have one class with one of my friends, but that wasnt the case, in every one of my classes was filled with strangers, i felt so alone, i was consitntaly texting my friends, trying to come up with a plan to meet somewhere, but with only 5 minuet passing periods that wasnt the case, one good thing that came out of today was with my 3 inch heels, i loo,edo lder, so i wasnt being constantly hurrassed for being a freshman, like some students were. at the end of the day i rode the bus again, and once agin kyle sat next to me, today he had been the one to accually talk to me, i ws beggining to wonder if all my time and effort to look good was even worth it
"hey!" she said
"hello?" i said back
"how was your day?" he asked me
i knew he ws just being friendly. i doubt he really cared how my day was but i didnt want to be rude, so i replied with a simple, "it was fine...yours?"
"pretty good, so how are you liking the school so far?" honestly i didnt believe someone this cute was accually talking to me, and i was being a total jackass, i tried to be more enthusiastic when i talked this time.
"its really nice, the campuss is really beutiful, and the teachers and administraters arnt acually that bad"
"well im glad you like it," he said as the bus was pulling up to his stop.
"see you tomarrow miss virginia"
"see ya" i replied
after the bus dropped me off at my stop walked home wishing the day had been more like i was expecting it, when i reached my house i found my mom asleep on the couch with some soap oprah on, i pulled a blanket on top ofher, turned the tv off, and went upstairs to take a nap

Chapter three: a friend

five weeks of school had passed, i decided not to go for the whole hooker look, but instead i went for something more natural. every day i talked to kyle on the bus, we had evens tarted hanging out at lunch, he turned out bein a really good guy. he evenstood up for freshmen when they were being harassed. i had learned that he had played on our schools v arsit football team, the rio rancho ram, in rio rancho, new mexico, a least our schools colors wernt that bad, dark navy blue and dark green. thats the only reason i accually considered it when kyle told me i should be a chearleader, and now i was on the pre-varsity team, i wouldnt have beleived i would have been a cheerleader in a billion years, and i ws suprised i hd even made the first two cuts, and here i was, pom poms and all, cheering on the football team. practice was everyday after school, so the past two weeks we had been working our butts off for over 10 hours a week, and hen ontop of that i had to walk home, becasue i couldnt ride the mus and my mom couldnt pick me up, so i walked, except for those few days kyle drove passed me and offered me a ride.

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