Saturday, October 10, 2009

Song: This Girl

This Girl

i once knew a girl,
she faked how she felt to the entire world.

this girl, she died,
on the inside,
and all her dreams washed away.

but on the outside,
she put on a smile,
but it didnt always last through the day.

when she was alone her feelings were clear,
she couldnt stand looking in the mirror.
no one ever saw her shed one of those tears.

this girl she died, on the inside,
her only thoughts were of suicide.
this girl let tears run down her cheeks,
she could be quiet for weeks and weeks.
this girl her laugh was always fake,
but she didnt tell anyone for their own sake.
this girl had a smile that could light up a city,
but the one she let show was always so phony.
this girl could of had anything,
but she didnt because she dreaded everything.

she proved herself to be an amazing actress,
when it came to who could be happiest.

she made herself smile throughout the day,
but once she was alone it went away.

her laughter could be heard throughout her house,
but her sobs were as quiet as a mouse.


i once knew a girl,
she faked how she felt to the entire world.

Painting: October Trees

October Trees

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

song: Vicious Killer

Vicious Killer

little girl,
only 5 years old,
barely grown.

sick for days, then it took her life away,
they didnt know it would get this bad,
not her mother, not her dad.

how would they break it to her friends,
still to young to understand.

"No hun, they could not save her,
a vicious killer, he gave and take her,
you can not see her, but she is here,
up in heaven, is where she'll never disappear"

"do not forget her,
leave her in your heart forever,
she fought a battle, with a vicious killer,
but it doesnt mean you cant be together"

and then the children, they all said,
"tell me tell me,
why did he take her, she was my friend,
i really loved her,
it can't be the end."

and all these children, are trying to take this in,
trying to understand, what death really is.

little girl, only 5 years old,
she lost her life today,
it was more then just a cold.

no one could save her, there was no cure,
but it was too late, and she was no more.

the family was horrified,
that their baby girl had died.

we pray to god that she'll be well,
up in heaven there is no hell.

little girl, only 5 years old,
never got a chance to grow,
but we love her so.

song: Green is Good

Green is Good

as i walk around, this rundown town, this rundown city,
all i see is brown, where is the green where is the pretty.

factories are smoking, up the air everywhere.
trash is in the gutters, where are ya' mothers?

leave this planet, the way you wish to find it,
start doing things to help our earth today,
we can save it our own way,
preserve it for your grandchildren,
save it for the next generation,
keep it healthy,
keep it clean,
but most of all keep it green.

looking at the ocean, where is the water,
looking at the sun, could it get any hotter.

we need something thats better, better for the weather,
better for the planet, and we can have it.


i want something better,
something greener,
something cooler,
something healthier,
something happier,
i want something......


i want something green.

song: Things To Keep

Things To Keep

keep your dreams,
in that little heart shaped box,
inside your chest.

keep your wishes,
are hold on tight,
never let go of them.

keep your friends,
inside your mind,
and don't forget them ever in time.

keep your family,
around you always,
never let them get away.

keep your memories,
inside your mind,
for the rest of time.

your dreams and your wishes,
your family and your friends,
but most of all your memories,
these are the things in your life,
that you should cherish and keep,
so remember not to forget about,
your dreams and your wishes,
your family and your friends,
most of all your memories.

live your dreams,
grant yourself your wishes,
stay in touch with your friends,
spend time with your family,
and dont forget your memories.

(chorus x2)

so just remember to,
keep your dreams,
keep your wishes,
keep your friends,
and keep your family,
and keep your memories,
these are the things you should keep.

song: I Do It For You

I Do It For You

i put on my,
short skirt,
tank top,
not a t-shirt,
and i do it for you,
only for you.

no way,
but i do it everyday,
and i do it for you,
only for you.

and you don't even notices,
how effin' gorgeous i look today,
my hair is perfect,
because your worth it,
my skin is flawless,
but you could care less,
all i want is a compliment,
because i do it for you,
only for you.

flip flops,
cute tops,
i go crazy when i hit the shops,
and i do it for you,
only for you.

curly hair,
skin is fair,
i'm ready to go anywhere,
and i do it for you,
only for you.


crazy tries,
no more cries,
so mascara won't run from my eyes,
and i do it for you,
only for you.

ear rings,
toe rings,
i got all my bling bling,
and i do it for you,
only for you.


i do it for you, only for you

song: Puzzle Piece

Puzzle Piece

my heart is like a puzzle and you took it apart,
you broke my heart,
you broke my heart.

you took the peices and threw them away,
none left to stay,
none left to stay.

then you took a match and lit them on fire,
you goddamn liar,
you goddamn liar.

you said you'd put them back together again,
but its the end,
its now the end.

my heart is like a puzzle, its made of pieces,
yes its broken, but you can fix it, if you tryyy..
my heart is a puzzle, its got more then two pieces,
put it back together before its gone forever.

so i looked for those pieces, that you threw away,
none left there stay,
none left there stay.

i found the ashes, upon the floor,
there were no more,
there were no more.

i looked for the puzzle almost everywhere,
it was not there,
it was not there.

(chorus x2)

my puzzle is gone,
you took the pieces,
it will never be repaired,
my heart is gone,
you took the pieces,
now it can never be shared.

song: Monster


dropping my head,
looking down,
seeing what i have just done,
feeling like a clown.

looking at the drawins i have made on my arm,
the feeling was numb then,
but now i'm in pain,
i feel so ashamed.

an angry monster took over my head,
and i lost control,
when he picked up that knife,
he took it to my skin,
it was as sharp as a pin,
sharp like a pin.

monster, monster, can't you see,
these cuts on my arms, they're hurting me,
it makes me sad even though you are glad,
look at my scars, as big as cars,
only he can't feel the pain that i feel.

then the monster looks down at his art work,
like it didn't hurt,
it never hurt,
and then he doesn't even shed a tear,
because he has no fear,
then he shows a smile,
that goes on for miles,
admiring his work.


and he laughs and he laughs,
like its just a joke,
then he tries to choke,
tries to light up a smoke,
doing anything, thinking its just a hoax.


then he looks in the mirror,
and what i see,
are his blood shot eyes,
and his sharp sharp teeth,

i turn away, afraid of what i have just seen,
and when i look back i realize this monster is me.

then i look down and see blood everywhere,
dripping on the floor and in my hair.


and yet the monsters still there,
and he grows and he grows,
only nobody knows,
how he grows.

song: Dreams Pass By

Dreams Pass By

one day i,
i will fly,
fly in the sky,
the sky so high,
and up that high, i'll breath in the air,
i'll go anywhere, go everywhere,
and while i'm there,
i'll follow my dreams,
going down the streams,
rising like steam.

dont't let your dreams pass you by,
grab them before the,
stream takes them away,
don't let your wishes float to the sky,
catch them before they,
fly away.

i will swim,
deep in the sea,
its where the fish,
wait for me,
and its where i'll find that key,
the key to courage,
found it through the scourage,
this scourage called, life.


i will dance,
for hours and hours,
on top of tours,
and my shining smile,
dances more then my feet,
going down the street,
wherei go and go,
through heavy snow,
and i never say no,
to oppertunity,
for a chance to be free.

(chorus x3)

don't let your dreams pass you by,
hold on tight and look to the sky.

song: Stop


you say you need me but thats not the way i feel,
i say it ain't no fun, no more taking it for a fun.

you say we'll be together, but thats just not the deal,
i say it won't last so let the present be the past.

why cant you stay far far away?
i need you to,
stop loving me,
stay away from me,
can't take it any longer,
you say you need me there,
and you'll go anywhere,
but you ain't getting, much stronger.

don't you come any closer, just keep walking the opposite way,
i will stay here waiting for you to walk away.

you need to stop talking to me, i just can't, take the pressure,
i need you to stop saying shit about me, i just, ain't feeling it.


you just need to.....

song: Young Girls

Young Girls

oh when the young girls they go walking down the street,
with curls in their hair and shoes on their feet.

and then the young boys can't do much more,
so they be begging on the floor, just begging on the floor.

so we,
bring them down to shame,
won't play that game,
we're sick of their lies,
so we look to the skies,
no more living their life,
take it to the knife,
we do what we do,
for us, not for you,
because us girls are young,
its time to have some fun.

and then us young girls are crazy and wild,
never call us mild,
dont treat us like a child.

and then those young boys treat us like damn whores,
knocking down our doors,
thinkin' we'll do their chores


Oh yeah us young girls we like to play,
we play all day,
but not your way.

But then those young boys dont know what we just said,
trying to get us in bed,
don't know what we just said.


but us girls we are too good for them,
we are too good for them,
too good for them,
just too good for them.
Its time to have some fun!

song: Life


put the bullet through my heard,
bang bang,
until i'm dead.

wipe the color from our faces,
no more places,
within our faces.

waking up to another dull morning,
a never ending morning,
another dull morning.

going to sleep to another dull evening,
not another evening,
another dull evening.

breath in the open air,
come lets share,
share the air.

let the rain fall upon my fears,
just like my tears,
upon my fears.

listen to the sounds of the wild,
come here child,
to the wild.

shake the pain off from my shoulders,
heavy as boulders,
up on my shoulders.

smell the aroma under your nose,
a new grown rose,
under your nose.

let your smiles drown my sorrow,
wait for tomorrow,
to drown my sorrow.

we will pray, for the day,
that wont be grey,
pray for that day.

dont you push me down in the dirt,
it will hurt,
down in that dirt.

let us dance in the sun,
too bad theres none,
no more sun.

watch the children grow and grow,
they once were low,
but how they grow.

bleed until the feelings gone,
its almost dawn,
the feelings gone.

let our lives wash away,
no time for play,
just wash away.

i know that you'd die for me,
you'd live for me,
you'd lie for me.

put the bullet through my head,
bang bang,
until i'm dead.

Song: Gifts


wishing that my life was better,
get me through the bad weather,
throught the bad times,
through all the lies, throught the same damn lulaby.

wishing on a bright bright star,
oh so far,
that things will get better,
life will get better,
life will be worth living.

Life is a gift from god,
but i ain't living it right,
love is a gift from god,
but i ain't lovin' it,
tears are a gift from god,
these are the gifts im thankful for.

i wish i coul live life to the extreem,
i wish i didnt have all these bad feelings,
i wish my heart wasnt torn into pieces,
i wish life was worth living.


sometimes when im home all alone,
i sit and daydream,
that i am cindarella,
and things are betta,
prince charming was real,
and life is perfect,
untill i wake up and get back into reality.


and i'm wishing,
life is better,
get me throught the bad weather,
through the bad times,
through all the lies,
and the same old damn lulaby.

but then i realize...

life is a gift from god,
i need to be living it right,
love is a gift from god,
and i need to be lovin' it,
tears are a gift from god,
these are the gifts im thankful for.

istead of wishing for everything to go right,
i need to be living life to the extreem,
instead of stiting around day dreamin',
waiting for a flying star.

life is a gift from god.

Unfinished Story: Death.

Unfinished Story: Death. [unedited]

Chapter 1: the end

every morning i wake up and look ouside my window, and watch the sunrise above the forest in which i live by. but this mornig i woke up and saw the complete darkness of death. i stopped breathing, my heart stopped working, and i began to die.

Chapter 2: goodbye

thats exactly how it happeed. i, katrina elizabeth shasta died in my sleep nearly two years ago. and for no good reason at all. i was perfectly healthy, never drank, did drugs, never smoked, never did anything. i just randomly died in my sleep on the night of may 2, 1997. I was 15 years old, and it was my freshman year of high school. i played tennis on the weekends with my best friend maya, and when i wasnt with her or my boyfriend, michael, i was with my family. i was a pretty good student, a few c's here and there, but overall i did very well. i thought i had a good life, so i wonder why god took my life away.
when i died it was like i know what was happening. like i was having a bad dream, where i was falling into a deep, dark, pit of notingness, and when i woke up, i was in that pit, and i was alone. my first few days of death were the hardest. i watches my family and my friends, and their reaction to my death. i watched the tears fall from their faces. and i watched them say goodbye to me one last time. it pained me to watch my mother, my father, my baby brother, my best friend, and my boyfriend stand over my cascet at my funeral and touch my lifeless body. thats when it first really hit me. that this wasnt a dream, it was real, and i was really dead i would never see my family again, i would never pursue the life i wanted. i realized all of this while i stared at my pale white body in the 7 foot cascet, it looked too big for me. i, a 5 foot 15 year old girl in a 7 foot cascet, my long black hair fell over my shoulders, and my lips, that were once bright red, had a tint of purple in them. my eyers were shut. my eyes. my bright blue eyes. they were my best feature, and they were covered. this made me sad.
they buried me by my grandmother, i alwasy thought that if you had faith in god then you would reunite with the people you loved in your lifetime who had passed away, and you would end up in heave ntogether, and everything would be peaceful. but that didnt seem to be the case.
the second my funeral was over an deveryone left i was in the darkness. but i wasnt bored, i was buried in my own thoughts. time didnt slow down or speed up. there was no time. i didnt need to eat, didnt need to sleep, didnt need to use the bathroom, i just didnt need to do anything a person on earth needs to do to survive. i would never again be hungery or tiered, and yet, i still felt pain, i felt thsoe 15 years i had lived hadnt been enough. i had bright plans for my future. i wanted to go to college, get married, become a lawyer, or maybe even a doctor, and eventually have children. at this point i was beginning to think if there really was a god, and a heaven, or if i would be in the darkness forever

Chapter 3: the light

i was still sitting in what i thought was eternal darkness, when i saw a stray of light, you know when your a little kid, and at night you have an eerie feeling that someones there, and you keep seeing shodows out of the corner of your eye. i had that feeling, but instead of a shadow creature is, was the light? it was definatly a light, that was for sure, but it looked alive somehow. i wasnt really scared of it like i felt i should be. i couldnt really be afraid of anything anymore, i was already dead after all. but i was curious what this light was. it curcled around me exactly three times, and then it began to head out into the darkness. emidiately i stood and followed it. there was n othing around me and this light to mark where we could be. it felt like we were walking in place, you know when your at the beach, and you stand in the lowest place where the tide comes in, and you feel like your moving, but your not. well this feeling was the exact opposite of that. i followed the liht for what seemed like forever. and al the sudden we walked into a blinding white light. it was all around me, it was exactly like the darkness, but happier, more hopful. my eyes adjusted to the light and i realzed that it wasnt a light at all, but it was the most beautiful place i had ever seen, it was a beautiful garden, with flowers of every kind all around, there were people very where, the light figure i followed was a beautiful gir., once my eyes adjusted properly she said, "hello, my name is rosetta, and i am an angel."

Chapter 4: the tasks

i was speachless. i couldnt say anything, i probably looked like dork standing there in the most beautiful place on earth with a blank expression. niether rosetta nor i spoke for a while,
she finally said, "this is heaven, you must choose if you would like to stay here for the rest of eternity, or if you want to enter the deep pits of hell" "
is the darkness hell?" i replied,
"no" she snapped, "hell his much worse then the darkness. the darkness is simply a place where the beginners go to sort out their heads after they have left human form, it is also the barrier ground between heaven and hell.
"oh...kay?" i said.
"so which is it?" the angel replied "here in heaven, or in hell?"
"in heaven of coarse!" i explamed. she smiled at me.
"thats what i was hoping to hear, but to stay here, you must prove yourself worthy."
"prove myself worthy?"
"by completing a tast"
"a task? why?"
"like i said, to prove yourself worthy! we only let the worthy ones into heaven" she snapped at me
this made me suspicious, but i had alwasy learned that haven was the place that you would find god, so i went along with it.
"so what is my task then?" i wasked
"you must chosee between two, you can either travel into the deep, molten rocks of hell, and play a trick on the devil, thats the easier one, more people coose to do that."
"whats the harder one?" i asked
"the more complicated tast is you must go throught the never ending darkness and find the crystal ball of love, it is deep sea blu, and shines like the ocean at night during a full moon, when you find this ball of light you must look through it, there you will see your family and riends, for one last itme, and you must watch them for as long as the crystal ball will let you, and you must watch your loved ones without shedding a single tear, only then will you be accepted into heaven.
"i can see why most people choose the first choice." i said
"hmph, yeah," she replied, "so your choice?"
there was only one way in a million years that i was going to play a trick onthe most evel creature in the univers, that would be one of the most sinful things i can imagine doing. plus, i had once heard an old legend about a boy who played a trick on the deil, and then he devil put a curse on him and his family, so despite the face the second task seemed almost impossible for me to do, i chose it.

Chapter 5: the journey

after i told angel rosetta my choice she sent me back into the darkness
"good luck katrina, you'll need it," was all she said. this task seemed almost impossible, but thats what i had to do to reunite with my family and friends one day in heaven i would i would have to finish it.
i waled around for what seemed like centurys int he darkness, looking for a crystal ball that "shines like the ocean at night during a full moon." once again it felt like i wasnt moving as i walked, i didnt know where i was, or where i was going, i couldnt even see the liht of heaven anymore, for all i know i could be walking aoround in circles, but then i heard a shisper. no, not whispering, singing. i followed the direction fo the sound. it was so beautiful, like the music of the chorus at church, as i grew closer i could hear the sone more clearly
"please tell me, you'll fight this fight, i, can see, without your light, i, need your to bring into my life."
i knew that song! it was "breath" by superchick, a christian rock band i would listen to when i was still alive. it souned more like a chorus of people still. but the fact that i know what the song was got me excited, so i walked even faster toward the voices
"dont tell me this is goodbye, i, wont greive its not yet time, each breath, breated is keeping hope alive."
i kept walking faster, almost running even, and from a distance, i saw smalle little rays of light in the distance, this excited me.
"so keep breathing, go on, breath in, keep on breathing go on, breath in, just breath."
i ran closer and closter towards the strays of light, and finally, i was there, only a few feet away from them, they didnt like like angel rosetta did in the darkness. she looked like a sliver of light, but these figures looked like people, just glowing and shimmmering, there werer five of them total, and watched them and listened to them until they were finished with the song
when it was over they all turned and focused theire attention on my
"hello my child," one female said, "what is your name?"
"my name is katrina, elizabeth shasta," i said
"hello miss katrina," she replied, "my name is natalie, and these are joe, jordin, nickolas, and chyanne," she gestured to the people behind her
"we are the chorus of heaven, what brings you here, to the dark world between heaven and hell?"
"i was given a tast to be accepted into heaven by an angel by the name of rosetta," i said, "i have to find a chrystal globe, that is a deep sea blue and shines like the ocean on the night of a full moon."
"i see," natalie said "so you chose the... more complicated of the two tasks?"
"i guess so.." i replied
"well, lucky for you we know where the globe is, and if you would like we can assist you to it."
"but, wouldnt that be cheating?"
"no, we are allowed to help the wandering children of our father o complete their tasks, so would you like the help?"
"yes, i would very much appreciate it, thank you"
"follow us" natalie said. so i followed them, it was silent for a while, and i didnt know why, but for some reason overyone here was so polite, and talked funny, including me.
"we're almost there" natalie said, interruption my thougths.
"how do you know where it is? how do you find it i mean? in the darkness?"
"well my child katrina, after you have been here as many centuries as i have, you begin to notice the patterns in the darkness, and can recognise where you are.
"how many centeries have you been her?" i asked, trying to make polite conversation
"nearly two centrues, and still counting,"
"wow" i gasped, completely stunned
"im accually pretty young compared to most people here, many have been here for billions of centuries it all depends on when you die, and how you want to spend your after life"
"billions of centeries?" i asked again, still surprised by that big of a number
"yes my child, after you die, you stay here forever after all."

Chapter 6: failure

we walked for a while in silence. and then i saw it, in the distance, it was floating, it was a dark orb that shimmered of blue light, as we got closer i realized it was more beautiful then i imagined, i was inches away from the bautiful orb, i was now dreadint the second part of my task. to watch your family and friends through th orb without shedding a single tear.
"well?" i heard natalie say from behind me, "pick it up" and she nudged my closer
"thank you helping me find the way" i said to avoid picking it up righ away. when i didnt hear a responce right away, i turned around, and the cior was one, they had just disapeared. i turned back around to face the orb of light.
"i can do this, i can do this," i kept saying to myself out loud, afterall i was once again alone. i closed my eyes for a minuet, trying to straighten out my thoughts and my head, this was the task that would determind if i was good enought for heaven. i opened my eyes, and i thought to myself, "this is it". in a matter of millaseconds i grabbed both hands on the deep sea blue orb, and opened my ees as wide as they could go.
all of a sudden i was no longer in the darknes, i was in y schools cafeteria.. my old schools cafeteria, i was watching my best friend, maya, and my boyfriend, michael, sit at the table where we used to always sit at lunch, both had a tray of untouched food in front of them, neither of them spoke, but silent tears ran down both of their cheeks nd necks. i ran torwards them, globe in my hand, i tried to wrap my arms aroudn them, but i just went through their bodies, like i was a ghost, i took a closer look, both of their eyes were red and puffy from crying. this made me sad, i didnt want to see them like this, i could feel my eyes waterint, i could not give in. you will not cry, i told myself. not wanting to look at mayas or michaels faces i turned waway, blinking back tears. when i turned around i aw a big picture of myself, it was a faded gold frame, and there were flowers and cards all aorund it, it was a memorial.....for me. still trying to blink back tears i shut my eyes as tight as they would go.
when i opened them them i was no longer in my old schools cafeteria, but i was in the living room of my house. my mom and dad were onthe couch, heads down, tears falling. my brother seth was on the floor, i could hear him sobbing, by parents both looked at each other, they had the same puffy read eyes my friends had, they hugged each other. tears still falling down their cheeks, soaking each others clothes. i couldnt stand to look at them. this hurt, i couldnt blink back tears anylonger, i fell tot he floor bauling, i dropped the orb and listened to it hit the floor. my head was buried in my hands, i couldnt see anything, but i knew i was back in the darkness. i missed my family, my friends, i couldnt stand to see them so sad, and it was my fault, they wouldnt be so depressed if i hadnt one off and died. i had failed he task. i wouldnt be accepted into heaven. i refused to play a trick on the devil, with the possibility of cursing my family, and i refused to go to hell. i would wander around in the darkness for all of eternity. while my head was still buried in the palms of my hands i felt a tap on my shoulder
"are you ok my child?" a male voice aksed.
i looked up and saw the most famous face in the world. a face i grew up with. a face i learned to love and worship. and it was a face i died with. standing me was jesus.

Short Story: My "I Have a Dream" Speech

My "I Have a Dream" Speech [unedited]

in 1963 a brave man by the name of martin Luther king jr. had a dream. he had a dream that one day men and women, no matter what their skin color, can be treated equally. and now his dream has finally come true. we have even gone as far as electing the first ever African American president. we, the united states, have changed for the better. but even though discrimination against people of another color no longer exists, and if it is it is looked down upon, people are still being discriminated against for a different reason. now, in the 21st century, our nation as a whole discriminates against people who are attracted to another person of the same sex. what im saying is people are are gay, bisexual, transsexual, and all of the above are being discriminated against. you may be thinking that the discriminating going on today with gays is completely different then the one that went on in the 1960's and before then, but its exactly the same. in the 1950's and 60'sn people of "color" didn't have the same rights as white people, they had to sit on the back of the bus, they had separate bathrooms and places, they weren't even accepted in some churches. today "gay" people cannot get married. i realize that the amount of rights taken away from gays does not compare to those taken away from colored peoples in the 1960's but in both cases rights have been taken away from human beings.and another thing: the right thats being taken away from gays is they cannot get married in any state of the united states, except for a few that voted against this horrible behavior. not only is this taking away peoples rights but its taking away their freedom. for those of you who may have forgotten every united states citizen is granted the freedom of speech, the freedom of petition, the pursuit to happiness, and the freedom of religion. marriage IS a religious ceremony, and saying that two people, despite their gender, cannot get married is taking away their freedom of religion. and lastly, you may know how we look back on the racial time period and we think, "how could those people be so awful, and treat human beings like that?" well in 50 years do you want your children, your grandchildren, and even your great grandchildren looking back to the year of 2009 and think "how could they be so awful?" do you really want your own decedents to look back and remember you as one of the people caused this discrimination to be.
i, like martin Luther king jr. have a dream. my dream is that not only will "gay people" be treated equally, but all people will be treated equally.

Short Story: The Craziest, Scariest, Dream

The Craziest, Scariest, Dream [unedited]

last night i had the craziest, scariest, dream. what happend is i was just swimmin in an indoor swimming pool with my friends and a giant, evil, green, lizard thingy, tore out of his cage and he started snapping at people, and he even ate some! i couldnt beleive it! then even more lizard thingys came and some jumped in the pool. so thne my friends and i got out and ran out the door. then someone called the giant , eveil, green, snapping lizard thingy exterminator. five seconds later he came riding in on a pink barbie trycicle, it was crazy! i asked him, "how did you get here so fast?" and he said, "i petalled really, really, fast." then he put a fly on his superman fishing pole and through it at the giant, evil, green lizard thingy. and he caught them one by one, and he took an electric shocking cage thingy as big as a house out of his backpack. i asked him, "how did you fit that electric shocking cage thingy in your backpack?" and he said, "i folded it really really small." but i think he lied to me, because when i tried to fold it, the metal wouldnt budge... anyways, then he put all the giant, evil, green, lizard thingys inside, but then the lizard thingys tore out of the cage and ate mr. giant, evil, green, snapping, lizard exterminator . then they started chasing me, so i got on the trycicle, and i tell ya, peddling fast to make you go faster, does not work, so i jumped off and ran, then there was a dead end and the lizards were where i couldnt see them, then i could see them, and it scared me, and they all kept getting closer and closer then right before they ate me alive i woke up, i guess i'll never know what happend to those giant evil green lizard thingys.

Short Story: Sunflower Valley

Sunflower Valley [unedited]

you have heard of all of the beautiful places in story books, in the rorests, the rivers, the mountains. well this is one place you have never heard of. This place is named sunflower valley, however, it has no sunflowers, in fact, it is the one flower in the world that they didnt have,. that was until sally-anne came into town. sunflower valley is a very quiet place, people would go there for picnics, nature walks, and many other things, it was just a beautiful place to be. one day five children went there. a little girl named sally-anne coulld name every flower there. she soon realized there were no sunflowers, her favorite flower in the whole wide world. she then ran home leaving her four younger brothers edwin, mark, david jacob, and brandon behind. sally-anne got a big filled with sunflower seeds, but when she got back to the flower feilds, (sunflower valleys old name) she realized all the sunflower seeds had fallen out of a hole at the bottom of the bag. Sally-Anne started crying. she cried and cried for hours and hours, and she cried the whole way walking back home. The next morning sally-anne walked back to the flower feilds, only to see a whole trail of sunflowers, like a path leading straight through the valley. She followed the sunflowers, and everyone in the neighborhood followed behind her, admiring these beautiful flowers, when they got to the feilds they decided to throw a party, in honor of this new flower, and every year since then they would plant a sunflower path and have an annual party in the valley. and that is how sunflower valley got its name.

Short Story: The Cold Hard Truth

The Cold Hard Truth [unedited]

today as i watch the rain poor outside the window of my small room, i can't help but think why life is what it is. why must we live and work, and be unhappy for all of our eternity. but what if, finally, for once, we could be happy, do everything we've ever wanted to do, ever wanted to try, the little things, like going for a walk every morning, and the big things, like skydiving. what is life without challenges? we should be living it to the fullest, no matter what. don't let life get in the way of your dreams, of yourself, of your life. don't let your life get in the way of your life. funny concept isn't it? so as i dream about changing my life for the better, the rain falls outside the window of my small room, and as i wake up in the real world again, i remember reality, work starts tomorrow at 7, i need to pay the bills, as well as finish school so i can get a better job, so i can pay the bills, and get out of debt. and do that for the rest of my life. eat, sleep, go to work, pay the bills, except for the small occasions where i might get the opportunity to do something, and then there will always be that 90% chance that i won't even be able to do that, because i can't afford it, or i have work. and theres also that 2.5% chance that i will get sick the day of this opportunity, and all my excitement was a waste. yep, lifes great all right. so in reality, money and health run the society today. well that and love, but honestly, who has time for love anymore when we're all to busy trying to get by in life, and dreaming about how to make it better. So lets face it; Life sucks, then we die. Its the cold, hard, truth.