Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Short Story: My "I Have a Dream" Speech

My "I Have a Dream" Speech [unedited]

in 1963 a brave man by the name of martin Luther king jr. had a dream. he had a dream that one day men and women, no matter what their skin color, can be treated equally. and now his dream has finally come true. we have even gone as far as electing the first ever African American president. we, the united states, have changed for the better. but even though discrimination against people of another color no longer exists, and if it is it is looked down upon, people are still being discriminated against for a different reason. now, in the 21st century, our nation as a whole discriminates against people who are attracted to another person of the same sex. what im saying is people are are gay, bisexual, transsexual, and all of the above are being discriminated against. you may be thinking that the discriminating going on today with gays is completely different then the one that went on in the 1960's and before then, but its exactly the same. in the 1950's and 60'sn people of "color" didn't have the same rights as white people, they had to sit on the back of the bus, they had separate bathrooms and places, they weren't even accepted in some churches. today "gay" people cannot get married. i realize that the amount of rights taken away from gays does not compare to those taken away from colored peoples in the 1960's but in both cases rights have been taken away from human beings.and another thing: the right thats being taken away from gays is they cannot get married in any state of the united states, except for a few that voted against this horrible behavior. not only is this taking away peoples rights but its taking away their freedom. for those of you who may have forgotten every united states citizen is granted the freedom of speech, the freedom of petition, the pursuit to happiness, and the freedom of religion. marriage IS a religious ceremony, and saying that two people, despite their gender, cannot get married is taking away their freedom of religion. and lastly, you may know how we look back on the racial time period and we think, "how could those people be so awful, and treat human beings like that?" well in 50 years do you want your children, your grandchildren, and even your great grandchildren looking back to the year of 2009 and think "how could they be so awful?" do you really want your own decedents to look back and remember you as one of the people caused this discrimination to be.
i, like martin Luther king jr. have a dream. my dream is that not only will "gay people" be treated equally, but all people will be treated equally.

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