Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Short Story: The Craziest, Scariest, Dream

The Craziest, Scariest, Dream [unedited]

last night i had the craziest, scariest, dream. what happend is i was just swimmin in an indoor swimming pool with my friends and a giant, evil, green, lizard thingy, tore out of his cage and he started snapping at people, and he even ate some! i couldnt beleive it! then even more lizard thingys came and some jumped in the pool. so thne my friends and i got out and ran out the door. then someone called the giant , eveil, green, snapping lizard thingy exterminator. five seconds later he came riding in on a pink barbie trycicle, it was crazy! i asked him, "how did you get here so fast?" and he said, "i petalled really, really, fast." then he put a fly on his superman fishing pole and through it at the giant, evil, green lizard thingy. and he caught them one by one, and he took an electric shocking cage thingy as big as a house out of his backpack. i asked him, "how did you fit that electric shocking cage thingy in your backpack?" and he said, "i folded it really really small." but i think he lied to me, because when i tried to fold it, the metal wouldnt budge... anyways, then he put all the giant, evil, green, lizard thingys inside, but then the lizard thingys tore out of the cage and ate mr. giant, evil, green, snapping, lizard exterminator . then they started chasing me, so i got on the trycicle, and i tell ya, peddling fast to make you go faster, does not work, so i jumped off and ran, then there was a dead end and the lizards were where i couldnt see them, then i could see them, and it scared me, and they all kept getting closer and closer then right before they ate me alive i woke up, i guess i'll never know what happend to those giant evil green lizard thingys.

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